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Basic Question 4 of 13

Jody Corporation recognizes a deduction for tax purposes earlier than it recognizes the related expense for financial statement purposes. This will result in which of the following?

A. A taxable temporary difference and, therefore, a future income tax asset
B. A taxable temporary difference and, therefore, a future income tax liability
C. A deductible temporary difference and, therefore, a future income tax asset

User Contributed Comments 11

User Comment
stranger The expense that is going to be recognised in the future is taxable and becomes a future liability now.
kalps When the payment is made in the financial in the future the financial statement future income will be lower than the future taxable incone (as it has already been recognised) which will reulst in an income tax liability (I think)
Gina if the deduction is already recognized for tax purposes, it is a taxable temp difference. if the deduction were recognized for financial purposes, would it then be called a deductible temp difference?
Gina i understand that there is a future income tax liability. but could somebody pls explain the difference of taxable vs deductible temporary differences??
examinee Pls help with the difference between taxable vs deductible temporary difference.
o123 its the opposite of being taxable on something.
jerylewis exactly. a DTL is a tax liability. A DTA is a future tax deduction
Khadria I. When Taxable Income < Pretax Income => DTL
II. When Taxable Income > Pretax Income => DTA

Here, deduction is recognised in the taxable part, so Taxable Income is more hence II case so DTA ???
kutta2102 Khadria, when deduction is recognized earlier, taxable income will be less, not more. Therefore, case I applies.
Another way to look at this: Consider previous example with some modification - if there were some write-offs during the year and the amount was greater than what was recognized by the allowance method, the taxable income would be less compared to accounting income. This will result in a temporary tax liability on the accounting books which will reverse once the allowance method catches up with the actual write-offs. Hope this makes sense...
boddunah Deductible Temp. Difference ---> future taxable income reduction.DTD creates deferred tax asset.
Taxable Temp. Difference ---> future taxable income. TTD creates deffered tax liability.
johntan1979 Without question, DTL is created because tax payable is less than tax expense (deductible recognized).

And how I differentiate taxable and deductible temporary difference is:
1. Taxable TD - you will pay more taxes (tax expense) or recognize expenses in the future (on the balance sheet)
2. Deductible TD - you will pay less taxes or expenses in the future
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I passed! I did not get a chance to tell you before the exam - but your site was excellent. I will definitely take it next year for Level II.
Tamara Schultz

Tamara Schultz

Learning Outcome Statements

explain how deferred tax liabilities and assets are created and the factors that determine how a company's deferred tax liabilities and assets should be treated for the purposes of financial analysis

CFA® 2025 Level I Curriculum, Volume 3, Module 9.