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Basic Question 10 of 13

Deductible temporary differences result in a deferred tax ______ when the carrying amount of a liability is ______ than its tax base.

A. asset; more
B. asset; less
C. liability; more

User Contributed Comments 4

User Comment
boddunah liability is key word.
cleopatraliao should be B, shouldnt it??
cleopatraliao sorry my bad its the carrying amt of a liability not asset!;P
farhan92 liability shoots the sheriff and becomes an asset
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I used your notes and passed ... highly recommended!


Learning Outcome Statements

explain how deferred tax liabilities and assets are created and the factors that determine how a company's deferred tax liabilities and assets should be treated for the purposes of financial analysis

CFA® 2025 Level I Curriculum, Volume 3, Module 9.