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Basic Question 13 of 19

Bond price sensitivity ______ at a(an) ______ rate as maturity increases.

A. increases; increasing
B. increases; decreasing
C. decreases; decreasing

User Contributed Comments 10

User Comment
tanyak why does it increase at a decreasing rate??
Masterkang Obviously the increase of the maturity from 1 year to 2 years has a bigger impact then then increase from 29 to 30 years.
omer123 tanyak at longer maturities the change in price due to interest rate volatility will be smaller due to positive convexity and large at smaller maturities.
euniceyew can anyone explain further y it increase at a decreasing rate..i still dun get the explanation..thanks
bhaynes euniceyew - just can think about it on a percetage basis. If you increase a maturity for 1yr to 2yr, you doubled it. Where if you increase 19yr to 20yr, it's only about a 5% increase. While both increase, the latter increases by a smaller amount comparatively speaking.
harpalani Thanks bhaynes! That's convincing.
johntan1979 Or you can make up an example:

8% coupon, 2 years, yield 9%
PV = 98.21

8% coupon, 3 years, yield 9%
PV = 97.42

Percentage change = -0.7995%

8% coupon, 10 years, yield 9%
PV = 93.50

8% coupon, 11 years, yield 9%
PV = 93.11

Percentage change = -0.4153%

See the decreasing rate?
assiduous I like bhaynes' explanation. This concept can also be observed just by watching how the yields react to monetary policy.
Inaganti6 Bhaynes DORLING LOVELY
khalifa92 long-term bonds price volatility is greater than short-term bonds.
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I am happy to say that I passed! Your study notes certainly helped prepare me for what was the most difficult exam I had ever taken.
Andrea Schildbach

Andrea Schildbach

Learning Outcome Statements

identify the relationships among a bond's price, coupon rate, maturity, and yield-to-maturity

CFA® 2025 Level I Curriculum, Volume 4, Module 6.