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Basic Question 6 of 8

A structural surplus is the surplus that occurs when ______

I. real GDP equals potential GDP.
II. real GDP is more than potential GDP.
III. real GDP is less than potential GDP.
IV. the economy is at full employment.

User Contributed Comments 5

User Comment
wink44 Structural surplus/deficits occur when Real GDP = Potential GDP. Cyclical surplus/deficits occur when real GDP differs from potential GDP.
achu Think of "structural" as long term! In long run, Real GDP = potential GDP, and we're at Yf.
Gooner7 nice achu
gill15 bless you
applelee thank u
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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu

Learning Outcome Statements

describe roles and objectives of fiscal policy as well as arguments as to whether the size of a national debt relative to GDP matters

CFA® 2025 Level I Curriculum, Volume 1, Module 3.