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Basic Question 8 of 11
A mean-reverting investment strategy involves:
A. Riding the trend and holding onto winning positions.
B. Buying assets with recent poor performance expecting a return to their historical average.
C. Ignoring historical price movements.
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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu
Learning Outcome Statements
describe the structure of an autoregressive (AR) model of order p and calculate one- and two-period-ahead forecasts given the estimated coefficients;
explain how autocorrelations of the residuals can be used to test whether the autoregressive model fits the time series;
explain mean reversion and calculate a mean-reverting level;
contrast in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts and compare the forecasting accuracy of different time-series models based on the root mean squared error criterion;
CFA® 2025 Level II Curriculum, Volume 1, Module 5.