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Basic Question 1 of 2

Which of the following is not a characteristic of parametric tests?

A. The population must follow a certain distribution.
B. The parameter tested can be the variance of the sample.
C. The parameter tested can be the mean of the population.
D. The parameter tested can be the standard deviation of the population.

User Contributed Comments 4

User Comment
thekapila good question..read it carefully!!
chamad Remember: parameter for population and statistic for sample (p for p and s for s)
sshetty2 correct me if I'm wrong but why would you ever need to test for the variance of the sample? you collected the sample data and can just calculate it yourself...
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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!


Learning Outcome Statements

compare and contrast parametric and nonparametric tests, and describe situations where each is the more appropriate type of test

CFA® 2024 Level I Curriculum, Volume 1, Module 8.