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Basic Question 1 of 11

Which of the following are forms of internal credit enhancements for an asset-backed security?

I. Senior-subordinated structure
II. Guarantee by a corporation
III. Bond insurance
IV. Over-collateralization

User Contributed Comments 3

User Comment
carsonson senior-subordinated structure = tranche struture ?
reccy External= 3rd party guarantee. Bond insurance= insurance company guarantees against risk
khalifa92 @casonon, you're are right they are the same.
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I am happy to say that I passed! Your study notes certainly helped prepare me for what was the most difficult exam I had ever taken.
Andrea Schildbach

Andrea Schildbach

Learning Outcome Statements

describe typical credit enhancement structures used in securitizations

CFA® 2024 Level I Curriculum, Volume 4, Module 18.