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Basic Question 0 of 2

Using the Public Securities Association Prepayment benchmark, calculate CPR and SMM.

User Contributed Comments 6

User Comment
danlan2 Using PSA benchmark, CPR = 6%*t/30
When PSA=90, CPR=0.9*0.06*10/30=1.8%
pb09 where'd we get 6% and 10/30 from??
bodduna If t<30, cpr = 6%*t/30,
If t>30, cpr = 6%. It is a standard
Catalin92 This came from nowhere...
khalifa92 yeah and there's no emphasize about it in the book. just 3 lines.
Ewan2015 odduna: Thank you for explaining that. Better than the summary that makes no mention of that standard :(
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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!


Learning Outcome Statements

describe types and characteristics of residential mortgage-backed securities, including mortgage pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage obligations, and explain the cash flows and risks for each type

CFA® 2024 Level I Curriculum, Volume 4, Module 19.