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Basic Question 4 of 9

A hedger takes a position in the futures market in order to ______.

A. increase a pre-existing risk in search of higher returns
B. decrease a pre-existing risk in search of higher return
C. decrease a pre-existing risk even though doing so may decrease returns

User Contributed Comments 4

User Comment
viannie Hedge = decrease pre-existing risks which reduces loss but at the same time, reduces returns. (Something got to give, reduce loss but also reduce gains)
ankurwa10 remember, there are no free lunches? You can't have it all.
dbedford Think of it like an investor who buys bonds in thier portfolio to hedge against market risk. Risk goes down for the portfolio and so does potential overall return
khalifa92 good example
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Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu

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compare the use of derivatives among issuers and investors

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