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Basic Question 1 of 10

Which of the following reflects the proper accounting treatment of internally developed patents?

A. Expense immediately as research and development costs
B. Expense as a non-operating item under other expenses and losses
C. Capitalize as an intangible asset and amortize

User Contributed Comments 5

User Comment
achu INTERNAL - key word here.
swisha ^^good catch
Shaan23 Again I guess we're assuming GAAP....
mmccoy GAAP is assumed unless stated otherwise
khalifa92 all internally developed are expenses other than IFRS one exception.
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Your review questions and global ranking system were so helpful.


Learning Outcome Statements

compare the financial reporting of the following types of intangible assets: purchased, internally developed, acquired in a business combination;

describe the different amortisation methods for intangible assets with finite lives and calculate amortisation expense;

describe how the choice of amortisation method and assumptions concerning useful life and residual value affect amortisation expense, financial statements, and ratios;

CFA® 2024 Level I Curriculum, Volume 3, Module 23.