- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level II
- Topic 1. Quantitative Methods
- Learning Module 4. Extensions of Multiple Regression
- Subject 2. Using Dummy Variables in Regressions
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Subject 2. Using Dummy Variables in Regressions PDF Download
Some observed phenomena are qualitative rather than quantitative and thus cannot be measured on a continuous scale. For example, an individual's income might depend on whether the person possesses a college degree. Dummy variables are specially constructed variables that indicate the presence or absence of some characteristics. They assume a value of 1 or 0, depending upon whether a certain characteristic is present.
An intercept dummy adds to or reduces the original intercept if a specific condition is met. When the intercept dummy is 1, the regression line shifts up or down parallel to the base regression line.
A slope dummy allows for a changing slope if a specific condition is met. When the slope dummy is 1, the slope changes to (dj + bj) × Xj, where dj is the coefficient on the dummy variable and bj is the slope of Xj in the original regression line.
Suppose the salaries of employees at a particular research institute depend on seniority (or number of years employed at the institute), whether the employee has a Ph. D. degree, and other random factors.
Suppose we express the relationship between the variables in terms of the following multiple regression model:
- Y = salary in dollars
- X = years in seniority
- Z = 1 if individual has a Ph. D, or 0 if individual does not have a Ph.D.
Suppose the t-th individual has seniority of Xt years and does not have a Ph.D. Thus, the variable Z assumes the value 0. The expected salary would be E(Yt | Xt, Zt = 0) = β0 + β1Xt.
A person who has a Ph.D and the same seniority of Xt years would have an expected salary of E(Yt | Xt, Zt = 1) = β0 + β1Xt + β2.
Suppose β0 is $15,000, β1 is $1,000, and β2 is $2,500. The expected salary of a non-Ph.D. with Xt years of seniority would be E(Yt | Xt, Zt = 0) = 15000 + 1000Xt. The constant β0 = $15,000 represents the starting salary, and the coefficient β1 = $1,000 represents the annual salary increment.
The expected salary of a Ph.D. with Xt years of seniority would be E(Yt | Xt, Zt = 1) = 15000 + 1000Xt + 2500. The coefficient β2 = $2,500 represents the effect of having the Ph.D as opposed to not having the Ph.D and indicates that a person who has a Ph.D. earns, on the average, $2,500 more per year than a person with the same seniority who does not have a Ph.D. Thus testing the hypothesis that β2 = 0 is equivalent to testing the hypothesis that there is no difference between the salaries of Ph.D.'s and the salaries of non-Ph.D.'s.
User Contributed Comments 3
User | Comment |
turtle | nice ilustration, but seniority in Ph.D. should also add to wages increase :-) |
katybo | n-1 dummy variables for n categories, if not, you can't estimate regression. |
brave1986 | eally good illustration |
I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!
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