AuthorTopic: About the "study"sector
@2002-09-12 05:05:00
Mic, i have a suggestion about the "study"sector:maybe you can change the color of the titles in the sector to show the member who is studying that which title were readed by him/her and which ones are not, would you?
@2002-09-12 13:37:00
Thanks for the suggestion, kenny.

However, I believe we should respect members' privacy here. Members should not know what other people are doing specifically. Instead, we provide an aggregate score for each review question so you can compare how you are doing with all members as a group, not individual ones.

Any more suggestions, please put them on our guest book since I don't check forum topics that often.


CFA Discussion Topic: About the "study"sector

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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu