AuthorTopic: Any difference between June and December CFA Exam
@2018-03-28 18:04:10
Hi guys,

I am quite new here and with CFA exams, so I am here to ask you, is there any difference in June and Dec exams, are LOSs different, and generally what is he difference between June and December? and where can I inform about that?
@2018-03-30 02:49:45
June an December are the same thing in terms of LOSes. However in December only Level 1 is offered. They cover exactly the same material. The exams, of course, will be different (i.e., different questions).

CFA Discussion Topic: Any difference between June and December CFA Exam

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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!
