AuthorTopic: Mike: Mock Exams
@2003-03-23 18:00:19
Hi Mike. I understand the six mock exams will be sent to paid members in April. Is it at all possible they can be sent earlier? The reason I'm a little anxious is that I'm taking the exam in May.

Thanks for all your help!
@2003-03-24 22:45:29
Hello Duffy,

we will try to make it in the middle of April, as the Internet program for the mock exam needs to be written and tested.

The mock exams will be delivered through the site, not sent to members as notes are.


@2003-03-26 09:23:42
Thank you Mike!

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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu