- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level II
- Topic 4. Corporate Issuers
- Learning Module 17. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations in Investment Analysis
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Learning Outcome Statements PDF Download
1. Ownership Structure and Their Effects on Corporate Governance describe global variations in ownership structures and the possible effects of these variations on corporate governance policies and practices; | |
2. Evaluating Corporate Governance Policies and Procedures evaluate the effectiveness of a company's corporate governance policies and practices; | |
3. Identifying ESG-Related Risks and Opportunities describe how ESG-related risk exposures and investment opportunities may be identified and evaluated; | |
4. Evaluating ESG-Related Risks and Opportunities evaluate ESG risk exposures and investment opportunities related to a company. |
I passed! I did not get a chance to tell you before the exam - but your site was excellent. I will definitely take it next year for Level II.
Tamara Schultz
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