- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level II
- Topic 3. Financial Statement Analysis
- Learning Module 15. Integration of Financial Statement Analysis Techniques
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Learning Outcome Statements PDF Download
1. A Financial Statement Analysis Framework demonstrate the use of a framework for the analysis of financial statements, given a particular problem, question, or purpose (e.g., valuing equity based on comparables, critiquing a credit rating, obtaining a comprehensive picture of financial leverage, evaluating the perspectives given in management's discussion of financial results); | |
2. Long-Term Equity Investment identify financial reporting choices and biases that affect the quality and comparability of companies' financial statements and explain how such biases may affect financial decisions; evaluate the quality of a company's financial data and recommend appropriate adjustments to improve quality and comparability with similar companies, including adjustments for differences in accounting standards, methods, and assumptions; evaluate how a given change in accounting standards, methods, or assumptions affects financial statements and ratios; analyze and interpret how balance sheet modifications, earnings normalization, and cash flow statement related modifications affect a company's financial statements, financial ratios, and overall financial condition. | |
3. Off-Balance Sheet Leverage from Operating Leases identify financial reporting choices and biases that affect the quality and comparability of companies' financial statements and explain how such biases may affect financial decisions; evaluate the quality of a company's financial data and recommend appropriate adjustments to improve quality and comparability with similar companies, including adjustments for differences in accounting standards, methods, and assumptions; evaluate how a given change in accounting standards, methods, or assumptions affects financial statements and ratios; analyze and interpret how balance sheet modifications, earnings normalization, and cash flow statement related modifications affect a company's financial statements, financial ratios, and overall financial condition. | |
4. Anticipating Effects of Changes in Accounting Standards identify financial reporting choices and biases that affect the quality and comparability of companies' financial statements and explain how such biases may affect financial decisions; evaluate the quality of a company's financial data and recommend appropriate adjustments to improve quality and comparability with similar companies, including adjustments for differences in accounting standards, methods, and assumptions; evaluate how a given change in accounting standards, methods, or assumptions affects financial statements and ratios; analyze and interpret how balance sheet modifications, earnings normalization, and cash flow statement related modifications affect a company's financial statements, financial ratios, and overall financial condition. |
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