- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level I
- Topic 1. Quantitative Methods
- Learning Module 2. Time Value of Money in Finance
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Learning Outcome Statements PDF Download
1. Time Value of Money calculate and interpret the present value(PV) of fixed-income and equity instruments based on expected future cash flows calculate and interpret the implied return of fixed-income instruments and required return and implied growth of equity instruments given the present value (PV) and cash flows | |
2. Fixed Income Instruments and the Time Value of Money calculate and interpret the present value(PV) of fixed-income and equity instruments based on expected future cash flows calculate and interpret the implied return of fixed-income instruments and required return and implied growth of equity instruments given the present value (PV) and cash flows | |
3. Equity Instruments and the Time Value of Money calculate and interpret the present value(PV) of fixed-income and equity instruments based on expected future cash flows calculate and interpret the implied return of fixed-income instruments and required return and implied growth of equity instruments given the present value (PV) and cash flows | |
4. Cash Flow Additivity explain the cash flow additivity principle, its importance for the no-arbitrage condition, and its use in calculating implied forward interest rates, forward exchange rates, and option values |
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