- CFA Exams
- 2019 Level II > Study Session 17. Portfolio Management: Economic Analysis, Active Management, and Trading > Reading 51. Algorithmic Trading and High-Frequency Trading
- 4. Impact of Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading on the Security Markets
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Subject 4. Impact of Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading on the Security Markets
The broad market impact of algorithmic trading is largely positive.
The positive impacts include:
- tighter bid-ask spreads,
- lower transaction costs,
- increases in liquidity, and
- improved pricing efficiency.
The primary concerns regarding HFT are:
- the potential for HFT to accentuate and accelerate market movements
- the risk posed by an out-of-control algorithm
- the ability of a trader to manipulate the market through spoofing or quote stuffing
- the increased complexity of regulatory oversight, and
- the impact of unequal access to information.
Practice Question 1
The following are concerns regarding HFT. Which one contributed to the loss of Knight Capital?A. Fear of an unfair advantage
B. Gaming the market
C. Algorithms gone wildCorrect Answer: C
In the case of Knight Capital, an algorithm went out of control and submitted unanticipated orders.

Study notes from a previous year's CFA exam:
4. Impact of Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading on the Security Markets