- CFA Exams
- 2025 Level II
- Topic 1. Quantitative Methods
- Learning Module 5. Time-Series Analysis
- Subject 3. Random Walks
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Subject 3. Random Walks PDF Download
Coefficient Instability
Just as in regression models, the coefficients in time-series models are often unstable across different sample periods. Regression coefficient estimates derived from an earlier sample period can differ from those approximated using a later period. Similarly, the estimated regression coefficients vary depending on the length of the sample periods.
In selecting a sample period for estimating a time-series model, we should seek to assure ourselves that the time series was stationary in the sample period.
Random Walk Process
A random walk is a time series in which the value of the series in one period is the value of the series in the previous period plus an unpredictable random error: xt = xt-1 + εt
- b0 = 0, and b1 = 1
- E(εt) = 0: The expected value of each error term is 0.
- E(εt2) = σ2: The variance of the error term is constant.
- E(εi εj) = 0 if i != j: There is no serial correlation in the error terms.
A random walk with drift is a random walk with a nonzero intercept term. It is expressed as: xt = b0 + b1 xt-1 + εt, where b0 = constant drift, and b1 = 1.
A random walk has an undefined mean reversion level. The mean-reverting level = b0/(1 - b1), with a b1 = 1 ....
A random walk is not covariance stationary. The variance of a random walk process does not have an upper bound. As t increases, the variance grows with no upper bound. However, the covariance stationary property suggests that the mean and variance terms of a time series must remain constant over time.
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I am happy to say that I passed! Your study notes certainly helped prepare me for what was the most difficult exam I had ever taken.
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