AuthorTopic: 90 days left...where is every1 standing?
@2018-03-06 02:13:23

i myself was preparing for the June exam. but my exam got deferred to June'18 due to a family emergency. Planning to start preparation from tomorrow again.

Would like to know where every1 is at the moment with there June exam?
@2018-03-06 06:50:04
I have yet to receive my official textbooks, they are coming sometime next week ...

I am a finance undergrad and only 8 month removed from school so I am hoping it comes back to me fairly quickly ... I don't know if I will make the June date given I work full time ... I figure I can get in 2-3hrs a day on the weekdays and 7-8 hrs per day on the weekend. That should get me around 300 hr mark :))
@2018-04-23 06:43:45
On SS14 now. Been doing 1 SS a week steady since 3rd week in November. Took a little break at Christmas but still been a battle to put in 20 hours a week. Feeling very good on Ethics, Quants & Corporate Finance. FSA and Econ will require much heavier review.

Plan is to review FSA first (give my self more time) then Econ later as I push through the last 4 study sessions. Once all the SS are covered I will have been able to re-review FSA, and Econ at that point I will re-review Ethics then Corp then AI and FI again before starting the onslaught of prep tests.

Will be doing the CFAI free exam from the tool kit, then analystnotes and any and all tests I can get my hands on.


CFA Discussion Topic: 90 days left...where is every1 standing?

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I used your notes and passed ... highly recommended!
