AuthorTopic: CFA Institute's Strategy - What Were They Thinking?
@2016-12-20 12:11:18
I received this email from a test prep provider and wanted to share it with all the other candidates:

Fact: CFA Institute informed candidates that using the 6 volumes of curriculum was the best way to pass the exam. In fact, they said "there is no substitute for studying the curriculum."

Fact: In May 2005, CFA Institute chose to make the purchase of the 6 volumes mandatory for every CFA candidate, which has since been implemented. CFAI chose this strategy to "address declining candidate performance."

Fact: Overall pass rates for the CFA exam (34% for Level I) are now at an all-time low.

By releasing the overall pass rates, CFA Institute has, in effect, provided priceless advertising for our CFA Study Systems!

CFA Discussion Topic: CFA Institute's Strategy - What Were They Thinking?

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I used your notes and passed ... highly recommended!
