AuthorTopic: CFA mock and 10 AnalystNotes mock exams done - now what?
@2018-05-28 09:22:37
I need advice on what to do next to improve my chances on getting a higher score! So far I have done the following:

Fully completed Schweser QBank score: 87% (results are from not counting question that were guessed right by luck)
CFAI EOC questions are half completed (the questions I finished already were on the topics that I am scoring the lowest in)
CFA Mock Exam score: A.M. 67% P.M. 70%
AnalystNotes review questions: 78%
AnalystNotes 10 mock exams: 71%

I feel like I am almost there, but I need to get higher quality practice questions now.
@2018-05-30 09:50:40
Me personally i'm trying to avoid Scheweser Mocks. because i feel like their exam format is really different from the CFAI, and they are too easy (just compare your correct ratio on each type of exams). so i just been sticking to CFAI mock and trying know the exam format and how the questions are structured and stuff.
@2019-06-01 12:26:22
I did 3 CFA mocks, 1 Schweser and 3 AnalystNotes mocks. I agree with knic, they are different, Schweser is the easiest and AnalystNotes ones are the hardest, but they all help me to refresh/understand other parts less relevant on the CFA mocks.

In terms of scores, CFA mocks 65-70%
Schweser 81%
AnalystNotes 58%

I feel that I am walking in the line of passing or not! There is no margin to improve!

CFA Discussion Topic: CFA mock and 10 AnalystNotes mock exams done - now what?

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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu