AuthorTopic: Distinguish between some ethical standards of conduct
@2018-04-07 10:58:43
Hi all,

I have trouble in distinguishing between 3 standard of conduct which are:

Standard IC: Misrepresentation

Standard IIID: Performance Presentation

Standard VB: Communication with clients and prospective clients

All above standards mention investment performance. Can you give me some key points (tricks) to separate these standards?

Thank you very much!
@2018-04-20 15:47:15
Misrepresentation: Using the work of others without acknowledgement

Performance presentation: Divulging only the performance of some accounts and omitting others

Communication with prospective clients: Omitting elements that are material for a client or prospective client to make a decision.

CFA Discussion Topic: Distinguish between some ethical standards of conduct

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I passed! I did not get a chance to tell you before the exam - but your site was excellent. I will definitely take it next year for Level II.
Tamara Schultz

Tamara Schultz