AuthorTopic: distribution tables
@2006-03-03 14:00:28
Hi, does anyone know whether we receive the z, t and F distribution tables in the level 1 exam.
@2006-04-26 19:19:47
Yes, you get the z, t and f distribution tables in the exam. usually, they cut out only a portion of it,in order to save space.
@2006-04-28 13:41:31
@2006-09-18 22:13:08
That is not true. I've taken Level I in June/2006 and we didn't get any distribution tables. You had to memorize common z and t values for 68%, 90%, 95%, 99%, etc confidence intervals.
@2006-12-13 22:19:41
I'm agree with voljovv... you have to memorize it!
@2006-12-25 05:23:39
I wrote Level I in 2003 and there was not a distribution table provided.

CFA Discussion Topic: distribution tables

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I just wanted to share the good news that I passed CFA Level I!!! Thank you for your help - I think the online question bank helped cut the clutter and made a positive difference.
Edward Liu

Edward Liu