AuthorTopic: general diff. % 02 and 03
@2002-09-22 11:57:00
Recently copied from a site:

Here's the changes spoted by another course provider.
1 - Chapter 13 which were the case studies in Equity Analysis has been removed. The one case study left Star Cruises has been included in another study session.

2 - Chapter 17 which consisted of Real Estate and Venture Capital has been removed. Real Estate has been removed from the curriculum and Vebture Capital has been put into another study session

3 - The Damodarian text book has been replaced by an AIMR textbook

4 - The Business Combination section in FSA has been changed to reflect current accounting changes

5 - The Time Series chapter in Quant has been removed

6 - A number of readings in Equity Analysis and Fixed Income have been removed.

7 - The LOS have also been shortened for a lot of the readings - Fixed Income, Derivatives and Quant.

CFA Discussion Topic: general diff. % 02 and 03

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I was very pleased with your notes and question bank. I especially like the mock exams because it helped to pull everything together.
Martin Rockenfeldt

Martin Rockenfeldt