AuthorTopic: general questions about CFA
@2019-06-01 07:55:03
What is the total cost of becoming CFA?

Whether I can give exam online at all stages from India?

What books I need to purchase for basic & advanced studies

1) Whether study materials are provided and if yes whether it is comprehensive?

2) From where can I buy additional books for studies.

3) Whether any scholarship is available?

4) Whom I should contact for registration? And other related matters.

Kindly let me know the above details
@2019-07-02 10:25:26
Scholarship is available for CFA. If awarded CFA institute will pay around $230 and candidate will remaining $150 or so. Application should be available through local CFA society
@2019-07-08 15:40:07
Hi deepis,

You will find the answer to all questions at

I am not sure about the scholarship.

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Craig Baugh