AuthorTopic: Help! Just Got my printable cfacenter notes...
@2004-04-02 08:16:40
Starting late folks!

Any suggestions on studying for Level I? I have 9 weeks before the exam. Should I focus on doing Study Sessions in consecutive order?

Any tips will be greatly appreciated!

@2004-04-06 18:29:04
I am starting this weekend too. I am planning to start with easier sessions, take basic questions first, just to warm up and then after a week or two move on to tougher ones.
@2004-04-08 20:13:24
memorize each and every LOS. good luck.

CFA Discussion Topic: Help! Just Got my printable cfacenter notes...

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I am happy to say that I passed! Your study notes certainly helped prepare me for what was the most difficult exam I had ever taken.
Andrea Schildbach

Andrea Schildbach