AuthorTopic: How do I register and pay for level 2?
@2016-01-25 10:16:06
Passed. Thanks again!

How do I change my account to be level 2? I cannot find a way around. I'd like to order the pro package today.
@2016-01-29 06:33:42
Simply log out and then register a new user account. Choose level 2/2016 as your target exam, and log on using the new userid.
@2016-02-19 08:21:51
how can i register on the CFA website ?

whan i go to my dashborad it is said :

"CFA Program
Registration Currently Restricted"

what is the matter ?

i passed the level I in december 2015 an i'm willing to register for the level II in june 2016 !

CFA Discussion Topic: How do I register and pay for level 2?

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Thanks again for your wonderful site ... it definitely made the difference.
Craig Baugh

Craig Baugh