AuthorTopic: How do you memorize Ethics?
@2018-09-07 08:49:28
Hi Guys,

Anyone studying for June Level I exam, just wondering how r u guys managing to remember the overlapping of numerous standards concering conflicts with the employer, fiduciary duties, piority of transactions etc. Its a nightmare for me. Anyone who is doing things differently and is successful?


@2018-09-11 14:31:02
What worked for me was a combination of:

1) Lots of practice questions - there's only so many scenario's they can ask about, so often the questions are very similar to one another (e.g. an analyst overhears a conversation, a Fund Manager deals on his p.a. before dealing for his clients, that type of thing)

2) Common sense - the standards are very much based on common sense, use this as your guide and you wont often go too far wrong.

Good luck for June!

@2018-12-02 19:11:54
I'd agree with analyst ... just use common sense. The ethics looks much worse than it actually is.

I studied nothing but the analystnotes ethics notes and got above 70% on the ethics portion last December. Just read it a few times and the blurring lines between all the sections start to become more clear.

Do some practice questions and you'll figure it out. Ethics is fairly straightforward so bring it with you and read on the subway or whatever ... it doesn't involve calculations so you don't have to worry about having a calculator or paper with you. Just read it over and over again.

CFA Discussion Topic: How do you memorize Ethics?

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I am happy to say that I passed! Your study notes certainly helped prepare me for what was the most difficult exam I had ever taken.
Andrea Schildbach

Andrea Schildbach