AuthorTopic: How long does it take to read 10 pages of CFAI required readings?
@2018-08-16 01:32:14
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it takes me a really long time to read each page. Some pages are much quicker than others, but the difficult conceptual ones takes me a while. I just wanted to get an idea of how long it's taking you guys to read around 10 pages. I've been reading 50 pages a day, and it takes me on average 3-4 hours. The 50 pages also includes doing the EOC problems as well as reviewing them.
@2018-09-17 20:05:21
10 pages a hour is fine, but do the math - if only can cover 10 pages a hour or 50 pages a day. How long will it take to get through the 3000 pages of CFAI text. That's 300 hours or 60 days - that's just reading, it does not include reviewing, memorizing formulas or answering the questions at the end of each which is probably close to or over 1000 questions.

This is when candidates start to panic and look for shortcuts to finishing the material. They read the post on analystnotes with the one person who claims they used only Schweser or AnalystNotes and passed forgetting that this is one person is the exception not the rule out (or did not pass on their first try) of the 50,000 people who wrote the exam - this number does not include candidates who signed up for the exam and decided not to write it. Of this number 37,500 people failed.

When you come across the threads here on the people who claim they passed using Schweser (for example) - ask yourself why Schweser doesn't post the number of people who pass the CFA exams using their prep course on their website.

Candidates failed because they cut corners. Don't look for the easy way out or you will be writing this exam again. At level I it feels like you will never finish the material, but you can - it takes hard work.

Don't give up and don't cut corners.
@2018-10-08 06:52:05
Simply, your response is exactly why I asked this question. I really don't understand how the average amount of hours needed to pass the test from successful candidates is only 300 hours. I feel like 1 hour for 10 pages is the average pace for reading the CFA curriculum. At this pace, you would have spent 300 hours just reading everything alone. Maybe add another 150+ hours taking the EOC twice, Qbanks, and taking 2 exams and going over those exams. This amounts to about 450+.

Basically, is everyone else a super speed reader that they only need 300 hours to pass (yes, I know this is only an average? I consider finance one of my stronger subjects as I go to a target school majoring in finance, so I learned a lot of material. I don't want to take any shortcuts so I want to do all the readings even though I learned a lot of these concepts already. What is a good pace to read?

CFA Discussion Topic: How long does it take to read 10 pages of CFAI required readings?

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I just wanted to share the good news that I passed CFA Level I!!! Thank you for your help - I think the online question bank helped cut the clutter and made a positive difference.
Edward Liu

Edward Liu