AuthorTopic: How to prepare for CFA without finance background?
@2015-12-01 03:39:30
Hi, I have engineering and science backgrounds (without any finance working experience). I want to join finance field too. Whether I need to enroll in any university courses orI can learn all by myself to pass the CFA exam? I have learned micro-economics and some industrial accounting before, plus an excellent math background. Whether I need to read all the textbooks listed or just follow the study notes? How long will be for my situation? Meanwhile, my job is not very busy, so I may have some time to read and think, but too long preparation will be frustrated! Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks! :-)
@2015-12-19 11:59:28
check the forum since there are too many threads discussing the topic.

CFA Discussion Topic: How to prepare for CFA without finance background?

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Craig Baugh