AuthorTopic: Interested in forming study grp ??
@2005-11-06 17:01:06
Hi All,
I'm studying for Jun 06 Level 1 CFA xam..neone interested in studying in groups..because i think thats the best way of solvings questions? I live in Newbrunswick, NJ..If interested contact me @

--- Also if anyone can help me regarding the 2006 notes. I saw on CFA website regarding the change of we need those notes or the printable notes on this site is enough??

Thank you in advance for your help!!

@2005-12-09 21:39:38
Hey there. I just moved to Franklin Twp. right next to New Brunswick, NJ. I am studying for the CFA Level I exam in June as well. Anyone else interested?

CFA Discussion Topic: Interested in forming study grp ??

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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu