AuthorTopic: Is CFA a career booster?
@2019-09-07 12:38:28
I graduated in political sciences and foreign languages, and now I want to take a CFA (1st level) exam next June. It is clear that a relevant work experience, market situation, and other factors increase/ decrease person´s chances for success. But according to many comments in this forum, there are some common negative patterns which give an impression that CFA is a total waste of time and money.

In this regard, I wanted to ask those with non-economic/ financial/ engineering background, in how far the CFA candidacy or charter influenced your career chances?

Thank you for your answers in advance. :)
@2019-09-10 09:06:53
No, it will not help you very much coming from a political science/foreign language background with no relevant experience. I’m surprised so many people struggle to understand this. Seems like common sense to me. It is obviously not a waste of time and money for people IT WAS MEANT FOR with a relevant background and experience.

CFA Discussion Topic: Is CFA a career booster?

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I used your notes and passed ... highly recommended!
