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- Topic: Is it too late to start studying for the CFA Level 1?
Author | Topic: Is it too late to start studying for the CFA Level 1? |
nilesh @2019-02-06 19:03:53 |
Hi Everybody, I wanted to get a realistic approach on whether its too late to start studying for CFA level 1? I have a background in accounting & finance and I am currently working in the accounting field. I also specialized in Finance during MBA. I have to admit I am not a person who can study for long hours at a stretch. But, my quality of studying is best when I study in short intervals. So, considering all these factors, where do I stand in taking the level 1 in June? I haven't yet registered and I would really like to take it in June. I understand that each individual has a different capacity for studying but I just wanted to get opinions and personal experiences which can help me decided whether I can really take the exam in June. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you. |
scalia @2019-04-11 11:43:01 |
L3 candidate here with undergrad finance. You will be fine, just don't slack off or try to wing it. For someone with any education background in finance, L1 should be 80% repeating what you have learned before. 3 months is more than enough for L1. |

CFA Discussion Topic: Is it too late to start studying for the CFA Level 1?
I passed! I did not get a chance to tell you before the exam - but your site was excellent. I will definitely take it next year for Level II.