AuthorTopic: level 1 prep quest
@2010-01-27 14:09:35
I am new here and recently registered to take Level 1 in June 2010. After reading some of the discussion threads I have a couple questions about my overall approach.

I bought the texts and is a paid member of analystnotes (great site!). I have begun studying with those and the texts. So far I have read through the notes section on ethics and have been working through the econ section (I am almost done with the macro section). One good thing about analystnotes's notes is they are aligned with the LOS. I Hope to be through all the material a month or two prior to the exam so I can take practice questions/tests.

Some of the discussions I have read have been a bit discouraging, implying that studying the texts is a waste of time. I should add that I began this process with a genuine interest in the material and the CFA program. In a way I was less focused on the test for the test's sake and somewhat assumed that if I dived into the material over the course of the year from now until June, passing would somewhat take care of itself. Some of the posts seem less focused on the idea of learning the material and more focused on test taking, which I guess is inevitable to some extent.

PS--I think anyone considering grad school should be encouraged to pursue it. Education like that is more than just a degree. In school you write papers, do group projects, attend brown bag lunches etc. etc. The CFA curriculum is very interesting to me, but from what I can see it does not appear to be a substitute for a graduate degree, (I have a master in public policy with a public finance concentration)
@2010-02-25 04:10:29
no matter what kind of masters you have, if you want to be in investment management field, you need CFA. I am registered for level 1 exam and I am already working for investment management company. Also, CFA is a world recognized credential where MBA. Masters, Ph.D are only recognized if you receive those degrees in reputable/known schools.

CFA Discussion Topic: level 1 prep quest

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Craig Baugh

Craig Baugh