AuthorTopic: New study guides for 2007 exams and required textbooks
@2006-07-18 16:09:27

I checked the CFA Institute's web site today. It says that the registration for 2007 level 1 exam begins on July 17 which was yesterday. However, there's no link to register. Also, there is no link to the new study guide. All they have is the study guide for the 2006 Dec level 1 exam. Does anybody know when or if they will publish the new study guide?

For 2007's level 1 exam it seems they are not selling required textbooks for level 1 exams. Instead they ask candidates to buy their curriculum package for $275, not individual books. Is this a new change as well?

Any suggestions are welcome!

CFA Discussion Topic: New study guides for 2007 exams and required textbooks

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Craig Baugh

Craig Baugh