AuthorTopic: Passed level 2 10 years ago and going to resume
@2020-01-19 13:28:57
I don't work in finance. I work for an appraisal company, so our valuations support many asset-based loans, and I interact with lots of banks and private equity groups. My boss has the CFA designation, and he regularly attends CFA conferences to network with finance professionals.

I was thinking about dusting off my study hat and finishing off the designation to at least provide more credibility to my resume and interactions with others in the finance world.

I am 35 years old, and the last time I took L2 and passed was in 2009 or 2010. I remember I used analystnotes. I never attempted L3 because my professional career was not going down the finance route, and studying for it sucks away your life. Needless to say, I've forgotten 90% of the material, especially with more of the technical details. I don't think I can study properly for June 2020, but I can at least try it out and study when I can to test drive the exam. Then in 2021, go for it for real with 6 months of study.

My company hires lots of former finance professionals, and one interview candidate who passed all tests told me that I could study and pass L3 because the test content is different from all the rest. I’m just curious what you guys think. I haven’t signed into this forum for many years
@2020-04-02 07:38:24
I'm tutoring a candidate who passed the Level I exam 15 years ago and then failed the Level II exam twice. I'm confident that she'll pass the Level II exam, and go on to get her charter.

If she can, there's no reason that you can't.

CFA Discussion Topic: Passed level 2 10 years ago and going to resume

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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu