AuthorTopic: Passed! Thanks to CFACenter team
@2004-08-03 16:17:24
Passed with very good score! Really liked your Basic and Exam type questions and the way how you lay out the whole thing with LOSs/Notes ...the six mock exams are very similar to the real one, particularly on the Equity, Portfolio Mgt and Corporate Finance part. Thanks again to CFACenter team, great job!! ... When are you going to make the LevelII one available?
@2004-08-04 00:28:18
Glad to hear you passed it.

We are working on the new site (primarily the backend part) which will host three study systems (Dec Level 1, June Level 1 and June Level 2). The work is planned to be done by August 20th. Then we will start to put our level 2 materials online for all registered users.

Best wishes to everyone!

Mike Xiao
@2004-11-06 15:16:44
Are the real questions as hard as these mock questions?
@2004-11-09 12:32:11
how mang questions should i get correct to pass the exam?
@2004-11-10 21:08:21
What do you think about the Schweser notes?

CFA Discussion Topic: Passed! Thanks to CFACenter team

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You have a wonderful website and definitely should take some credit for your members' outstanding grades.
Colin Sampaleanu

Colin Sampaleanu