AuthorTopic: Share of study notes
@2003-03-19 09:11:39
Can anyone share with me the study notes? I like them but $$$
@2003-03-19 17:52:34
Free-rider: if you cannot afford this or are just too cheap, why are you paying hundreds of $ to AIMR to attend the exam?

You should learn how to respect other people's hardworks.

Everybody please don't share with him.

Mike, kick crystal out of here.
@2003-03-20 13:25:13
Yeah crystal I will send you mine if you pay me 28 dollars, one dollar less than what this site charges. But, cash only:-)
@2003-03-20 15:59:34
Crystal I can share my notes with you as long as you share your credit card with me.
@2003-04-01 00:57:46
I will share everything to you which you want if you take the exam for me and, of course, pass it
@2003-04-11 04:25:37
I prepared my own notes and scored above 70% for all topics
you wan them???

yes ... is free ...

CFA Discussion Topic: Share of study notes

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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!
