AuthorTopic: Study group in Abu Dhabi
@2006-09-14 12:27:04
Anyone taking the June level I exam from Abu Dhabi? Do u like to form a study group?
@2006-09-14 18:39:51
Dear mmurjana
I want to take June level 1 exam. But I am not from Abu Dhabi. I am from Bangladesh. Here some of us who want to take part in june exam have formed a group. We want to share with you or your group about our progress, and understanding. My mail Addreess is mailhasan@yahoo,com. Please share with us and we believe we will be a win-win partner.
Best Regards.
@2006-09-15 17:48:01
great then..i will add u to my yahoo account:)
@2007-02-06 06:02:00
Dear mmurjana,

My name is Khalid,I am from Abu Dhabi and i am taking the exam level 1 in June and i wish if we can contact each other to share about our progress, and understanding.

I wish you all the luck in the exam and waiting to heir from you soon

Best Regards,


CFA Discussion Topic: Study group in Abu Dhabi

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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!
