AuthorTopic: The most amount of tries?
@2017-12-21 19:02:26
Hello everyone,

For those that failed level I before, How many tries did it take you to pass level I and still persisted in getting your charter?

This will be my second attempt in June but i personally know 2 people that will be going for their third attempts in June. One of them failed band 10 twice.

Failures are categorized into 10 bands (deciles). The first band means you're in the first decile, or the bottom 10% of all failures. Band 10 means your in the 10th decile (90th pertcentile meaning 90% of fialures scored below you), or in the top 10% of all failures...or really close to a pass.
@2017-12-26 16:04:10
2 tries and just good enough for Band 10 ....will not retake till Dec 2018 ....or may not retake at all ,but yeah 1st attempt i forgot more than 50% after exam ...after 2nd attempt I can remember more than 75% of the content.
@2018-01-06 13:27:55
I failed in June 16, but passed in Dec.

Failing happens, and it really depends on you (your goals, interests, etc...) to decide whether you want to take it again or not, and how bad you want it.

CFA Discussion Topic: The most amount of tries?

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Thanks again for your wonderful site ... it definitely made the difference.
Craig Baugh

Craig Baugh