AuthorTopic: which study session to start?
@2010-01-01 23:58:37
i just installed analyst pro ebook and i spent hours starrig at it. my friends advise me to start with ethics and quants but i want to start with the subjects that have the highest weighting like financial statements analysis or corporate finance. what do u think?

@2010-01-02 16:25:22
Personally I am doing everything in order of the ebook except for FSA, which I am doing last. I am 2/3s done my initial read of the material (save FSA which is last) and personally I would recommend it. But for Corporate Finance and Equity, there are accounting concepts, albiet not that difficult, but still there requiring some accounting background.
@2010-04-18 16:03:45
I have gone for FSA first. Actually I have taken those from the CFA curriculm as I believe this is a key topic which must be mastered right from the start. Next on my list is ethics and quant methods.
I am definitely going for weighting. But I also wish to point out that I am a finance graduate.... so not much new materials for me although CFA go in more depth. This gives me so kind of flexibility.

But I still recommend togo 4 weighting as this will build your condidence by knowing that you have mastered the core topics

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