AuthorTopic: Will my strategy work?
@2016-03-13 12:36:44
I'm doing all review questions + all 10 mock exams here.

I was told that I should be doing as many problems as possible at this point. I am reviewing, going over each sections using the note cards I've made. I split them up into E&S, Quant & Econ, FRA & Corp, Portfolio Man/Derivatives/Alt, and then Equity & FI. I do one of these 5 each night, and then do a short 30 question review questions over them. On the days I do my exams, I do the exams in roughly 4 hours and then I review all the question.

CFA Discussion Topic: Will my strategy work?

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I am using your study notes and I know of at least 5 other friends of mine who used it and passed the exam last Dec. Keep up your great work!
