AuthorTopic: Working 50+ hours a week AND studying for CFA... realistic?
@2019-01-20 23:43:31
I found work as a Trader not too long ago and work about 50 hours a week. Due to my work commitments, I didn't have enough time to study and failed level I again (but in the 9th score band.)

Would it be realistic to expect to attain level I and II in the near future even though my work takes absolute priority over studying for CFA?

Also, is CFA even necessary or worthwhile for the field I'm interested in: Quantitative Trading? I mostly work with backtesting trading strategies, technical analysis, and timing actual trades for a fund.
@2019-01-22 08:15:15
There is nothing wrong in taking one exam every other year, so if you aim at taking the exams at a slower pace it might be realistic.

The exam might be more qualitative than you're initially interested in, but it is probably relevant unless you want to have a very narrow focus on math/programming.

Realistic? Yes, you'll just manage to make it work. Necessary? No. the CFA program believes in value picking, not speculation. IF you are a trader, CFA will not help to improve your skills unless you want to do it to impress your boss or potential employers.
@2019-04-10 22:48:04
i totally agree with beefie... employers are looking for a person with variety of "expert level" skills so if u r not narrowing your horizon then cfa is a good choice as it might also help u in case u change ur industry....

As far as passing the exam is concerned, you just need to be spending a couple of hours for a continuous period of time (in my view: minimum of 5 months) and u r ready for the exam...

CFA Discussion Topic: Working 50+ hours a week AND studying for CFA... realistic?

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I am happy to say that I passed! Your study notes certainly helped prepare me for what was the most difficult exam I had ever taken.
Andrea Schildbach

Andrea Schildbach