CFA Practice Question

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CFA Practice Question

Which of the following is most likely a common capital allocation pitfall resulting from stagnant or declining investment returns while increasing capital investments?
A. Inertia
B. Internal forecasting errors
C. Basing investment decisions on net income
Explanation: This is where a company's return on investments stay the same or decline despite an increase in capital investments. This could be due to a lack of investment opportunities.

B is incorrect. Internal forecasting errors involve internal mistakes made by companies when evaluating investment opportunities. This is difficult to spot by external analysts and may lead to investment failure.

C is incorrect. Investment decisions should not be based on EPS, net income, or ROE but NPV. Additionally, managers may pick projects that aren't beneficial to a company in the long run.

User Contributed Comments 3

User Comment
abod2 The Key Risk Considerations for investing in alternative investments can be remembered through: "FOCaL" i.e. Financial, Operational, Counterparty, and Liquidity risks!
murphynan @abod2 I like this one !!
nmech1984 CFA L1... THE END!!!
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