General Forum

This forum contains 1727 topics and 1856 replies, and was last updated by Felio.
Topic Poster Posts Last Post
Reference for CFA Work Experience 2020-04-03
My Eligibility for CFA 2020-04-02
Passed level 2 10 years ago and going to resume 2020-04-02
andom walk with drift 2020-03-31
Anybody got CFA scholarship? 2020-03-30
What is the hardest topic in CFA level 2 2020-03-28
printable version of CFAI mock exam? 2020-03-28
How much time is needed to prepare for CFA level 2 2020-03-27
Started studying CFA level 1 2020-03-24
Getting both CFA and CPA 2020-03-24
Confused about type 1 and type 2 errors 2020-03-22
How much to score in the mock to pass? 2020-03-22
Audio books for ethics 2020-03-21
Plan of attach for Dec exam 2020-03-20
How are your mock exam scores? 2020-03-19
Can a question come from multiple study sessions? 2020-03-18
How similar are the EOC questions in the CFAI books to the real exam? 2020-03-18
study notes or curriculum? 2020-03-17
I hate open ended questions 2020-03-17
Where to download CFAI PDF mock exams and practice problems? 2020-03-16
How close are analystnotes session review exams? 2020-03-16
How real are analystnotes mock exams? 2020-03-15
motivation to study for l2 2020-03-14
I love CFA 2020-03-13
analystnotes mock exam comparable to the real CFA exam 2020-03-12
Do I have to go through all Ethics application of the standard? 2020-03-11
CFA Newbie 2020-03-10
Is there an age barrier? 2020-03-10
If you pass overall, but do poorly on ethics 2020-03-09
My portable study guide 2020-03-08

General Forum

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I passed! I did not get a chance to tell you before the exam - but your site was excellent. I will definitely take it next year for Level II.
Tamara Schultz

Tamara Schultz